The KeyReturn system with a unique code on a key chain is a system that allows for the safe and secure return of keys to the designated owner or organization. The system works by assigning a unique code to each key chain, which can then be used to identify the key chain and its corresponding keys.

When a key is lost or misplaced, the person in possession of the key chain can return it to the designated location (GLS Drop Box) and enter the unique code into the system on our web site.  The system will then match the code to the corresponding keys and we will return them to the rightful owner or organization.

This system provides added security and peace of mind, as it ensures that keys are returned to the correct person or organization and prevents unauthorized access to secure areas. It also makes it easier to track and manage keys, as the system can keep a record of who has returned a key and when.

Find your keys with just a tap of a button

With a tap of a button, find your keys instantly. Attach a Bluetooth tracker, sync with your phone, and locate them with ease. No more endless searching!

Find your keys even without phone connection

When someone else finds your keys, they can easily return them to you through the parcel locker system. Never lose your keys for good again!

Say Goodbye to Key Worries

Say goodbye to the stress of lost keys with KeyReturn's innovative dual retrieval methods, providing peace of mind.




With KeyReturn’s Bluetooth feature, finding your keys is as easy as opening the app and following the signal on your smartphone.

Retrieve your keys with GLS

Retrieve your keys with GLS

If the Bluetooth key chain doesn’t work, the finder can return Key Return Key Chain with keys with GLS post company.

Successful retrievals
Active KeyTrackers
Keys found via Bluetooth

enabling swift key retrievals with GLS partnership

You can rest assured knowing that if you can’t locate your keys via Bluetooth, KeyReturn has a backup plan in place. Through our strategic partnership with GLS, finders have the option to drop your keys at any GLS parcel locker, providing an alternative and convenient method for retrieval. This thoughtful solution ensures that even in the event of a misplaced key, you can still count on KeyReturn to facilitate a smooth and hassle-free recovery process.

KeyReturn ensures worry-free key retrieval, providing swift and secure solutions

We eliminate the worry of lost keys, providing a reliable system that ensures swift retrieval, offering peace of mind everyday.

Every year over 20 million people lose their keys

Don't become one of them

Every year, the frantic search for misplaced keys affects over 20 million individuals worldwide. Don’t let yourself join the statistics. Embrace peace of mind with our Key Return system. Safeguard your keys, safeguard your day.

Key Return